A Superintendência Regional de Polícia Federal no Maranhão informa através de nota que, em virtude da comemoração do feriado estadual de Adesão do Maranhão à Independência do Brasil, na próxima 6ª feira (29/07/11) não haverá expediente neste órgão, assim como em suas unidades descentralizadas.
A nona edição do Seminário Regional de Lideranças será realizado nesta sexta-feira (29) em Imperatriz. Organizado pelo Governo do Estado, por meio das Secretarias de Assuntos Políticos (SEAP) e Casa Civil, o evento será aberto às 8h, no auditório do Palácio do Comércio. Gestores, secretários, vereadores e lideranças dos municípios da Região Tocantina foram contatados para participar do seminário. “É um dia de extrema importância para os gestores e pessoas envolvidas com as atividades públicas. Por onde passamos, temos alcançado boa aceitação e resultados positivos”, declarou o secretário de Estado de Assuntos Políticos, Hildo Rocha. Para o secretário-chefe da Casa Civil, Luís Fernando Silva, os seminários representam um novo modo de administrar. “O governo se aproxima da população, ouve os representantes da sociedade e com base nas demandas apresentadas elabora planos mais realistas, racionaliza custos, estabelece metas e dessa forma, consegue obter os resultados que o povo espera”, assinalou.
Sedel e Secma articulam comemorações da Semana da Pátria e aniversário de São Luís
O secretário–adjunto de Projetos Especiais da Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer (Sedel), Winglitton Rocha Barros, o China, e o secretário de Estado de Cultura, Luís Bulcão, definiram as medidas a serem tomadas com relação às comemorações da Semana da Pátria e do aniversário de São Luís, em setembro. O encontro, realizado nesta quinta-feira (28), serviu para discutir algumas ações que serão desenvolvidas pelas duas secretarias. O projeto, denominado “São Luís são outros 400”, terá uma vasta programação esportiva e cultural e acontecerá de 7 a 9 de setembro. As atividades serão realizadas em diversos pontos da cidade, incluindo Ceprama, Lagoa da Jansen e Centro Histórico. Com relação à parte esportiva, a Sedel irá desenvolver o retorno da tradicional Travessia Felipe Camarão, os 100 km de Ciclismo e a Volta da Lagoa. Ainda como parte da programação esportiva estão previstas competições de vôlei, basquete, handebol, travinha, street dance, parkour, bicicross, mountain bike, dama, dominó, xadrez, jiu-jítsu, judô, taekwondo, capoeira, badminton, speedminton. O evento será encerrado no dia 9 de setembro com a final do 1º Campeonato Amador de Kickboxing.
Publicado em: Governo
Great notions going to use these immediately.
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There’s no doubt that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the decade. The wishes of a nation to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.
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Since watching that 60 minutes episode I would think Lance is going down.
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Thank you for today’s post, I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a republican.
Now I’ve seen the 60 minutes episode you have to conclude Lance is going down.
Pleasant article, I actually enjoyed glossing over it, keep up the good thoughts.
There’s no doubt that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy couple and any one that doesn’t agree is a misery.
I really reddit this.
Fantastic page, I surprisingly had a good time glossing over it, keep doing all the hard thoughts.
I think that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a republican.
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Thank you for your entry, seriously, can you become a writer for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our hobby is quite frankly garbage. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
Ever since that Sixty Minutes program I bet Lance is done for.
Thank you for the post, honestly, can you become a topic writer for wikipedia because the current entries submitted there for our interest is frankly garbage. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
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Gracias for today’s post, seriously, can you sign up as a author for wikipedia because the current stuff in there for our interest is frankly drivel. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Superb article,I do believe you could have indeed gained a web site I need to return to routinely. Thanks.
Great page, I actually enjoyed glossing over it, keep up all the hard writing.
I def agree with your views!
In light of that Sixty Minutes program you have to think Lance Armstrong is finished.
I certainly agree with this post!
Fun feature, I genuinely had a good time reading it, keep doing the good thoughts.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. Felicitations to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a misery.