A morte aconteceu na madrugada de 7 de janeiro deste ano, quando a jovem estaria em um motel no bairro da Areinha, na companhia de três pessoas, entre eles o acusado. Os dois casais teriam saído de um bar na Praça Deodoro e se dirigido ao motel, onde teriam feito uso de cocaína, vindo a jovem a passar mal.
Segundo a denúncia, o acusado saiu do local de táxi, tendo os outros presentes saído em outro táxi com a vítima, passando a circular pela cidade até o amanhecer, período em que a jovem teria falecido no interior do veículo.
Os três envolvidos foram denunciados pelos crimes de homicídio e omissão de socorro, tráfico de drogas e exploração sexual. A defesa do acusado alegou excesso de prazo e falta de fundamentação na decretação da prisão, além de pedir o trancamento da ação penal por entender não enquadrados os fatos ocorridos aos crimes atribuídos.
O relator do pedido, desembargador Joaquim Figueiredo, decidiu manter a prisão, entendendo que a decisão foi fundamentada com base na existência de indícios de autoria e materialidade do crime.
Ele também considerou a complexidade do caso, pela pluralidade de réus, a gravidade do crime e a repercussão social provocada. O magistrado também negou o pedido de trancamento da ação penal, por não existir a segurança necessária antes da instrução processual e análise dos fatos e provas.
Publicado em: Governo
Useful notions will use these imminently.
Since watching CBS’s 60 Mins show you have to reckon Lance is done for.
Thank you for your entry, I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. Congratulations to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.
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I can’t help but think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
Pleasant feature, I surprisingly benefited from glossing over it, keep doing all the good work.
Since watching CBS’s 60 Mins show one can’t help but bet Lance Armstrong is caught.
I really agree with your views.
Thank you for today’s post, I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
Thanks for your entry, I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
I really dig your views!
Many thanks for this post, I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
After watching that 60 minutes episode I would bet Armstrong is kaput.
In light of the Sixty Minutes program I be sure Armstrong is caught.
Many thanks for this post, I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I think that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
Fun article, I genuinely had a good time reading it, keep doing all the hard writing.
Incredible posting,I’m sure you have certainly fashioned a web page I need to visit regularly. Thanks a lot.
I can’t help but think that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the decade. Congratulations to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.
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Thanks for the post, I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.
I think that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the decade. The wishes of a nation to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
Given that Sixty Minutes program one can’t help but be sure Lance Armstrong is caught.
Gracias for the post, seriously, can you become a topic writer for wikipedia because the current stuff hosted there for our hobby is frankly dross. I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the recent years. The wishes of a nation to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.
Gracias for your post, honestly, can you sign up as a writer for wikipedia because the current entries hosted there for our interest is frankly dross. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Fun post, I surprisingly enjoyed studying it, keep up the hard writing.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.
Given that episode of 60 Minutes you have to think Lance is finished.
I def respect the sentiment!
Thank you for this entry, I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I really respect your views!
Impressive message,I believe you have surely designed an internet site I must visit continually. Many thanks.
Ever since the episode of 60 Minutes you have to think Armstrong is doing the perp walk soon.
Helpful article,It looks like you could have undoubtedly put together a blog I would like to read up on frequently. Great stuff.
I certainly digg this post.
Many thanks for this entry, seriously, can you sign up as a topic writer for wikipedia because the current pages in there for our interest is quite frankly drivel. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Now I’ve seen that 60 minutes episode one can’t help but think Lance Armstrong is kaput.
Enjoyable post, I actually had a good time reading it, keep doing the hard efforts.
I certainly like your views!
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the recent years. The wishes of a nation to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.
Pleasant page, I genuinely benefited from studying it, keep up the hard writing.
Fun feature, I genuinely benefited from studying it, keep doing the hard thoughts.
I definitely reddit the sentiment!
I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a republican.
Many thanks for today’s post, I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Really good post,I do believe you have emphatically built up a website I want to read on a consistent basis. Great stuff.
I can’t say I completely agree, thanks are in order for making the effort to put it up
In light of the 60 Mins show I think Armstrong is going down.
Really good guide,I reckon you have undoubtedly constructed a web site I want to return to continually. Great stuff.
Gracias for the post, seriously, can you sign up as a contributor for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our interest is quite frankly next to useless. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
Great article, I actually had a good time glossing over it, keep up all the hard work.
Now I’ve seen that 60 minutes episode you have to bet Lance Armstrong is finished.
Now I’ve seen CBS’s 60 minutes episode one can’t help but think Lance is kaput.