O secretário estadual de Saúde, Ricardo Murad, autorizou nesta quarta-feira (20) o repasse emergencial único de R$ 1.320.000,00 para o Hospital Aldenora Bello, assegurando a reabertura do Serviço de Pronto Atendimento (SPA) aos pacientes oncológicos que havia sido suspenso por aquela unidade de saúde.
Em reunião com dirigentes do Hospital Aldenora Bello, na sede da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde (SES), Ricardo Murad anunciou a decisão de liberar de imediato um repasse único de R$ 1.320.000,00 e mais quatro parcelas mensais de R$ 165 mil, que serão repassadas nos meses de maio, junho, julho e agosto deste ano.
No encontro com a presidente da Fundação Antônio Jorge Dino, Enide Moreira Lima Jorge Dino, e com os demais dirigentes do Hospital Aldenora Bello, o secretário reafirmou que é necessário transferir para o Estado a gestão da alta complexidade no Maranhão. Nesse sentido, ele ressaltou que a liberação do repasse emergencial visa assegurar a assistência aos pacientes com câncer em São Luís até que a gestão, hoje de responsabilidade do Município, seja revista.
Ricardo Murad acrescentou que o repasse emergencial garantirá a prestação dos serviços aos pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde no Aldenora Bello, enquanto o Estado e o Município de São Luís buscam uma solução definitiva para a assistência oncológica na capital.
Após o encontro, o diretor administrativo do Aldenora Bello, José Generoso, disse que o SPA do hospital será reaberto até dia 1º de maio, considerando que será necessário um prazo mínimo para reorganizar o atendimento médico naquele serviço.
Publicado em: Governo
Certamente, essa decisão vai aliviar em parte a grave situação porque passa aquela Instituição, que é o destino certo de todos aqueles que sofrem desse mal terrível – o câncer.
Parabéns ao Governo e especialmente ao Secretário Ricardo que toma uma decisão acertada, que há tempos já deveria ter sido tomada. As famílias pobres da nossa Terra agradecem, pois só quem nunca teve que passar por uma situção de ter um parente acometido de câncer é que não sabe e nem tem ideia do sofrimento.
Parabéns Governo! Parabéns Secretário Ricardo!
Realmente, as iniciativas e o comprometimento com a coisa pública devem ser parabenizadas.
Great thoughts will implement all these imminently.
I don’t agree with it, kudos to you for taking the time to put your ideas down
Gracias for the entry, seriously, can you become a contributor for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our interest is quite frankly drivel. I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the decade. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a republican.
In light of the Sixty Minutes program I would think Armstrong is done for.
In light of CBS’s 60 Minutes Program one can’t help but reckon Armstrong is going to struggle.
Fun article, I actually had a good time glossing over it, keep doing all the hard work.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Felicitations to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
I really digg your views.
Pleasant page, I actually had a good time glossing over it, keep up all the good writing.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. Congratulations to the happy couple and any one that doesn’t agree is a republican.
There’s no doubt that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the 2000s. The wishes of a nation to the happy couple and any one that doesn’t agree is a misery.
Thanks for this entry, I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
Thank you for the entry, I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Lovely post, kudos to you for taking the time to write it down
Great post, thanks for making the effort to throw it up
Thank you for this post, I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
Excellent piece of writing,It looks like you have clearly launched a blog I have to come back to on the regular basis. Thanks.
Great ideas, thanks to whoever thought of it and for making the effort to throw it up
Thank you for today’s entry, seriously, can you sign up as a topic author for wikipedia because the current stuff hosted there for our interest is frankly dross. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
There’s no doubt that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the recent years. The wishes of a nation to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.
I can’t help but think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. Felicitations to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
Many thanks for this entry, seriously, can you become a topic author for wikipedia because the current stuff submitted there for our hobby is frankly dross. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
Fantastic ideas, thanks for showing the initiative to think of it
I definitely digg this!
Fantastic article, I genuinely benefited from glossing over it, keep up all the hard work.
In light of CBS’s 60 Minutes Program I think Armstrong is done for.
Pleasant feature, I surprisingly had a good time reading it, keep up all the good thoughts.
Since watching the Sixty Minutes program one can’t help but conclude Lance is done for.
Many thanks for the entry, seriously, can you sign up as a writer for wikipedia because the current stuff submitted there for our hobby is quite frankly drivel. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
I can’t help but think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
After watching CBS’s episode of 60 Minutes I be sure Armstrong is going down.
Fantastic article, I actually enjoyed studying it, keep doing all the hard efforts.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the recent years. The wishes of a nation to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.
Pleasant page, I surprisingly benefited from glossing over it, keep doing all the good work.
Thank you for this post, I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
I don’t agree with it, kudos to you for having the initiave to throw it up
I definitely reddit the sentiment!
I certainly agree with the sentiment.
I can’t help but think that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.
Terrific message,I reckon you’ve indeed constructed a site I would like to visit on a weekly basis. Great stuff.
Thanks for this entry, honestly, can you become a topic author for wikipedia because the current entries hosted there for our interest is quite frankly garbage. I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. The wishes of a nation to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.
I think that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the decade. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.
I certainly dig this!
Thank you for the entry, I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
Lovely post, props to you for making the effort to think of it
Thanks for your post, I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Thanks for today’s post, I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I most certainly agree with your views.
In light of the Sixty Minutes program I conclude Lance Armstrong is kaput.
Pleasant feature, I surprisingly benefited from reading it, keep doing all the hard efforts.